
Sunday, June 26, 2011

Dragon Fly

Written for my friend Keshav, when he got admitted to NDA and who now flies the MiG 29.

Did you ever fly in the sky
look up from the ground
or jump from a huge earthy mound?
Plunged into air
and virtual emptiness,
felt your blood go to your head and then
Did you spread your arms
and felt the lightness of your being?
Felt the wind tip your body and then
flip your soul?
Felt the light free your mind
and you left your troubles behind?

So did you float in the clouds
and with an angel
did you share your laughter?
Did you feel the breeze
break an even keel
and gently swing you by,
like a wish of thousand prayers
holding you safe and high?

Did you notice me
far down below,
when you were on par with the Gods?
Did you remember my friend,
that I am with your heartbeat at every drop and bend?
And if you find yourself,
singing out loud, while sitting on a cloud,
remember that your wings carry our dreams,
and that you have made us all proud!

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